We want everyone to repurpose real wood. With that in mind, please enjoy this video which cost us $75.00 six years ago, We are “thrifty” like most of our customers, but the content is good. Salvaged is ‘saved’, reclaimed is repurposed; and not the kind of repurposing we are talking about with our folk art. The video should clear it up and if you are shopping for reclaimed heart pine this is very important because of the massive priced ranges you will find.
Do not confuse antique with antiqued
Distressing is a fashionable design style and decorative art form that has been getting increasingly popular both among fashion and interior designers. In its simplest form, distressing a wood floor is about adding age. And we call the final product antiqued, with a d. Not to be confused with antique with has the actual age. If you antique a floor, it has been ‘antiqued’ using certain finish techniques. An antique reclaimed floor is entirely different category and price.
Repurposing salvaged cabinet doors
We want everyone to find something made of real wood or a piece of real wood, and repurpose it for something. It does not require anything other than imagination and the a true understand of what repurposing real wood could mean for our planet. What if all this single use disposal furniture we buy were replaced with real wood. Suddenly we have a family heirloom, an asset for some, that we pass down over generations instead of future landfill content.
Explore 100+ marketplaces
At our house real wood does not get thrown away- it is repurposed.
Repurposed sometimes means that I burn it, spreading the ashes around specific plants and grass. But most of the time, I make stuff. Most of you will not appreciate the stuff, but just appreciate the repurposing of 250 year old wood:)/.
In reality, you can glue down Southern Pine in standard 3/4 thickness. No problem, you want to glue down Southern Pine you use Bostiks Best. It has a built in moisture barrier and is urethane based so that is allows movement like a nail. But today, in this blog glue down Southern Pine is 1/2 inch, with the long lengths up to 14′ an option. SYP Direct does not sell anything but real wood and this 1/2 glue southern pine is perfect for new construction or a remodel. See more on Pinterest or Houzz.
Glue down Southern Pine don’t buy engineered and pay more for a veneer.
Wide plank 1/2 inchGlue down
We have 1/2 inch glue down Southern Pine
So if you want to glue down Southern Pine, the 3/4 thick type; it is not a problem, just use the proper adhesive which is Bostiks Best. Bostiks is polymer based and allows microscopic movement, just like a nail. Plus it has a built in moisture barrier, the stuff is marine grade and truly an amazing product. For more information on our products and Bostiks, including customers that have done it already, some 10 years ago.
More about buying Southern Pine from us
Southern Yellow Pine Direct is the homeowners’ resource for the best pine flooring on the market. However, we are so much more than just flooring. In fact, SYP Direct works with your contractor if you are purchasing your own materials. Do not get stuck with ‘bundled’ services, finish and installation does not have to include the floors. Why should you be held captive? To find out more about SYP Direct- contact us now.
Pine Flooring Experts– is another reason to buy from SYP Direct. Southern Pine represents about 5% of the flooring market, and unfinished pine is a small piece market. It is heavy, long and unprofitable compared to engineered and LVT floors. Very few flooring installation professionals understand Southern Pine or Heart pine. We do, and with over 3 million square feet delivered to homeowners our experience is unmatched when talking about pine floors.
SYP Direct offers 1000 square feet of 3/4 x 3 1/8 clear pine (no knots) finished as seen with Aluminum Oxide top coat.
Welcome to our blog post on how to identify heart pine. To be clear, we are talking about how to identify New Heart Pine. In this informative guide, we will provide you with valuable insights on recognizing heartwood, and in a broader context, ‘heart content’. Both of these are essential for those homeowners (installation professionals) looking for quality New Heart Pine. Quality is easy to define, with the end result being an installation and a gorgeous finish. This starts with our dual kiln and precision mill work using mature Southern Pine. All grades contain stable knots and the gorgeous color variation we call character.
Identifying Heart Pine with grades
Grades and terminology should make it easier for a layperson to make a decision between those choices. Clear ‘naming’ and pricing based on those grades give you all the information you need. The problem? Some companies add terminology or, in some instances just make it up. Without spending too much time on the subject because it raised my blood pressure, let me give you one example. ”
If you want to identify heartwood color is crucial.
The way that you identify Heart Pine is color, over simplistic, duly noted but the answer is still color. Let me get some business out of the way before moving forward; not all Heart pine is new, and NOT all new pine is created equal. Glad that is out of the way, lets take a look at the colors we use to identify Heart Pine.
Creating Color- The transition from sapwood to heartwood plays a significant role. Sapwood is the living part of the tree responsible for transporting nutrients, while heartwood is the dead portion. The drying process in the kiln promotes the transformation of selected sapwood layers into heartwood. As the sapwood dies off, the cell walls change color, becoming drier and stronger to form distinct heartwood layers. In essence, the color of Heart Pine is a result of this transformation.
Heart pine syp direct7″ prime caribbean
When you Identify heart pine sapwood is the start
Sapwood is lifeblood of the pine tree. Sapwood carriers the nutrients throughout the tree, it is alive while heartwood is dead! What does that mean? Heartwood has less moisture than sapwood, until the Kiln. However, over time the tree “promotes” layers of sapwood to heartwood status. As the sapwood stops flowing through selected layers of the tree (dying) it becomes as hard as heart pine. The tree pores fill up with organic matter and the cell walls change color, ultimately becoming dryer and stronger to form Heartwood layers. Enough about stability, want to see more pictures. Visit Pinterest but come back.
Southern Pine, real wood, is the most Eco-friendly choice for your floor, period. The exceptions, of course, are endangered or illegal timber, but that is not relevant to our discussion. Our New Heart Pine is not farmed and take from private landowners. While our Yellow Pine is sourced from North Louisiana, farmed timber. That is great information but the reason the real wood is green? IT LAST FOREVER. In fact, it will be reclaimed or salvaged one day and turned into an accent wall or kitchen table, for example.
Southern Pine Farms
Southern Pine farms are far more productive than natural stands. Although farms represent only about 14 percent of the southern forests, they provide more than half of the wood harvested each year.
Real wood is ‘Green’, like earth friendly green. Managed timber such as Southern Pine regenerate quickly and pose zero threat to global warming. However, plastic does and LVT certainly does. Real wood last forever, everything else ends up in a landfill.
Southern Pine has a rich history in America’s construction industry. It’s important to note that Southern Yellow Pine isn’t a single species, but a group of species that grow in the south. So, when we talk about Southern Yellow Pine, we’re talking about a range of strong and durable wood options. This type of wood, known as Southern Yellow Pine, encompasses several hard species that are known for their durability. It is the word Yellow that tells us these are the “hard” pines versus Whites for example which are too soft for floors.
For centuries, Southern Pine floors have proven to be extremely durable, serviceable, and attractive options for homes and all sorts of other structures including schools, churches, sports venues, and commercial buildings. With its distinctive grain pattern, the golden beauty of a Southern Pine floor is a feature well known to – and often preferred by – designers, builders, and homeowners.
Southern Pine Durability
Southern Pine has been a staple in the construction industry of the United States for many years. Its versatility and strength make it a popular choice for various applications. And while we specialize in Heart Pine floors, our source for building materials is an option for larger orders. See more.
Provincial from min-wax
Southern Pine Durability is legendary.
You have probably seen the evidence of Southern Pine durability, such as Antique Reclaimed Heart Pine. Ever seen a 100-year-old house with pine floors? What about the price and beauty of Antique Reclaimed Heart Pine. Think about it, Antique Oak looks a lot like new oak in that, unlike pine, it does not get better looking with age. Southern Pine purchased today will outlive the house, only to be reclaimed one day and sold for triple today’s price.
Pine Wood, Water and the Kiln
Wood is hydroscopic – it will absorb moisture and expand when exposed to humidity. Conversely, wood also expels moisture and shrinks in low humidity environments, changing and balancing with its general surroundings. A door that periodically “sticks” is a good example of this expansion and contraction behavior. Good news! Southern Pine completes these task more efficiently than almost any species.
Moisture equilibrium is the goal
The fact that Southern Yellow Pine is used for dock, decks and exterior siding gives us great example but one many do not consider when thinking about pine wood floors. Moisture equilibrium is the goal, better yet it is a tenant of our goal, a great installation. We Kiln dry your boards at the same time, they are not waiting around to be matched up on day.. this matters but more on that later.
Southern Pine should be sold like wine
IF Pine were sold like wine it would be easy to find the best pine flooring prices. What a concept that Heart Pine and Pine flooring should be priced based on age, species and region. Remember, Southern Yellow Pine doesn’t refer to any one species. In fact, SYP consist of a dozen species, ranging from Texas to Virginia. Unlike the wine market, the pine flooring industry does not value the diversity of species. If SYP was like wine, Alabama Southern yellow pine would be the measuring stick for all other species.
Southern Pine made in the USA, “engineered by God”.
Southern Yellow Pine Direct minimizes the amount of time between the kiln and the jobsite. What does this mean for the pine wood floor installation? Kiln drying is a standard practice in wood production mills and serves to efficiently bring green lumber moisture levels down to “workable” range–moisture content levels that will not end in the myriad of problems that can be caused by excess moisture levels in wood.
The first time we ship to California, 90210. Yes, and the customer ended up being one of our all time favorites. In fact, our thank you card hung on his Christmas tree that year, circa 2016. H. Nguyen, was our first experience shipping to California, and for that we say thank you again! Mr. Nguyen bought our milled to order #2 Southern Pine, and it came out amazing. Today, after 8 years he is still loving his floor!
Rustic does not mean cheap or “country,” not always anyway. Rustic does not mean anything other than knots and variation when talking about pine, sap and heartwood.
Not all pine is created equal; with 13 species of Southern Pine, age and location matter.
Delivery & Shipping to California with 100% Coverage and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Like all these big promises, you need to read the fine print. The difference is that with us, we tell you upfront in big print.
Accepting and signing for the shipment indicates the customer has taken possession of the flooring. However, this does not mean anything other than the pallets arrived in tact- you must inspect!
Selling and shipping to California with a 100% coverage guarantee tells you two things:
We send plenty of boards
Our floor are not full of defects
Professional installation
#1 Be sure you choose an installation professional with Southern Pine experience and or; is willing to listen to a few species specific hints.
Most floor covering stores hate real wood, that includes the “flooring guy” who operates using his own source which is the local engineered wholesaler.
Real wood takes time and time is money.
Commissions on LVT 5 x that of unfinished wood floors
Box store pine floors are not as good as ours and they are more expensive. Let me repeat, apples to apples they way more expensive. And even their cheaper stuff is stupid expensive for what it is, or certainly what it is not. In world where laminate and hardwood are regularly used to market some floor cover, you might want to use a healthy skepticism when floor shopping. Rule number 1- or at least the question to ask when promised a lifetime transferable warranty; so forever?
My name is Jason and this is about box store pine floors
Why is this guy putting his name is the heading? Great question. The same reason you are going to see the term ‘box store pine floors’ over and over; we do not pay for advertising. Much easier said than done, if you are not on the first page its tough. So my great Do It Yourself project has been this website. I wrote every word and am responsible for every typo; but nowhere on this site will I lie or show you a picture that is not our floor and client (client proxy, i.e. builders). Welcome to SYP Direct
Box Store Pine Floors are short, by definition they are not select.
“Select” Knotty Pine and assume it means ‘the best’. No, not all. Select, by definition, indicates ‘hand selected’ during the sorting process. Only problem, it is all ‘hand sorted’ unless you are keeping defects in the grade. Lumber Liquidators does sell select pine, it was selected to be sold for pulp or thrown away, but still selected.
Select is hand selected
Select, or hand select wood floors all come from the same mill. Wait Jason, all box store pine comes from the same mill, right? Think about that for a minute- what size mill, what mill would be willing to sell size at “discount”- not in the real world. Sounds good in sales pitch, but Southern Pine Flooring mills do no business directly with any of box stores. Lumber mills, yes but that is part of the problem- read What is Southern Pine.
The mercantile antique mallPrefinished wide plank heart pineAntiqued southern pineCompare to box store pine
Box stores are great, box store pine floors are not even good compared to YOUR options.
Did you know that we can take our 12′ boards and finish them based on your specifications. Yup, finished to order. Not to be confused with prefinished box store pine floors. A factory or flat line finish is not something that becomes affordable without some volume, so sometimes smaller projects will not work, for people with budgets. In fact, you can finish your cabinets, stairs and trim, all in the same place.
3/4 x 6 7/8 (1 x 8) Mill Run Heart Pine- What is Mill Run?
Our Mill Run Heart Pine, might also be seen in our photos as Character Grade which we had to change a few years back because it is not character grade pine. It is Heart Pine, in 12′ boards sorting with same concept as Euro Character White Oak, we took out the Euro of course. However, Character Pine is now being used to define tavern and cabin grade which a finish. My cousin Bub would call that lipstick on a pig.
Box store pine floors priced over $6.00 check these out
All of these floors were less than than anything you find shopping through box store pine floors. Long boards- Amazing Character.
Finished and yet un-namedCompare these 12′ boards to box store pine
In conclusion, we love Home Depot and Lowes- but their prefinished solid pine floors are a mass produced product.
Caveat’ to that statement, we need lead time and you need to be doing more than one room. I wish it were different but this process is not off the shelf, custom is the proper description. Luxury flooring that beats box store pine prices, no kidding. Not to mention we can finish wide planks and 12′ boards, ask them that at lumber liquidators or whatever they call themselves now. Mill Run Heart Pine, finished clear or tint with topcoat, plus aluminum oxide UV protection- the price depends upon volume, call us now. 888 286 2057 or fill out the contact form.
Dog friendly floors are all about the finish. Of course, you will here that real wood is not good for big dogs or even dogs in general. This is simply not true, at all. However, before we talk about the finish, we should address the question of Southern Pine and if it is a dog friendly floor. There is so much confusion regarding pine because there are so many variations of this versatile and durable species. First and foremost, not all pine is created equal. Dimensional lumber (2×4) and New Heart Pine are not from the same species, or age of pine but unfortunately this is not common knowledge.
Dog Friendly floors need dog friendly people; while the content below is about dog friendly floors, the aim is to introduce CARA and two special dogs. Our company, and the writer believe passionately about the work the employees and volunteers do at CARA as well as other No Kill Shelters. If you can help you local shelter, we urge you to do so. Every little bit helps, from blankets to kitty litter. Beware of visits, you might find one hard to leave, we sure did.
Community Animal Rescue and Adoption of Jackson Mississippi, or CARA is one of 4000 No Kill Shelters in the United States. A community shelter is considered no-kill when every brick-and-mortar shelter serving and/or located in that community has reached a ‘save rate’ of 90% or higher. Estimates put the total number of entities deemed animal rescue groups with or without brick and mortar over 14,000. Those numbers were eye opening when you put them into the context of the total number of animals involved. For more information search your local animal shelter or visit CARA of Jackson and adopt a new best friend.
Our reasons to support CARA
Tank- What is he is usually the first question when inquiring about Tank. Our answer or guess, Tank is a Plott Hound or at least part one. The AKC tells us that the breed is “noted for stamina, endurance, agility, determination and aggressiveness when hunting” which Tank does very little of today unless he losses a dog treat. Tank was adopted and then returned to CARA by the owners which is heart breaking. He was love at first sight, we brought him home in 2013 where he remained an only child until 2016 and the Moo arrived.
Thank you CARA
Ellie "Moo"
Ellie Moo – After being saved from the city animal shelter by a dedicated employee Ellie spent almost two years in CARA. When she arrived her hair patchy and her neck marked from the chain, there was not much hope of adoption. If you did not realize, Ellie is a pit bull and in some places illegal to own. Our assertion has always been that the problem lies with the breeders and owners not the dogs, Ellie Moo was just confirmation. Today her life is much different, she has custom dog bed a big yard, daily walks and her buddy Tank. In case you wonder Ellie Mae became Ellie Moo, now really just the Moo for her close friends.
The finish is 10x more important than the type of floor, all woods scratches and scuffs with kids and dogs. For the DIY, ease of repair is my first choice followed by ease of application which includes time.
Dog Friendly floors
In the days when everything was toxic, the term dog friendly meant sap and knots, character for lack of better word because this allows scratches to be easily hidden. Today dog friendly can be about the allergens or aluminum dust, but good or bad the that terminology is everywhere. So, to be clear we are talking about the best finishes hiding and or fixing damages and we have a 100% zero VOC option, too.
A dog will be a dog- so dog friendly includes being easy to fix
Any UV coated finish can protect against normal (not large) dog wear and tear. The problem occurs when fixing an issue is necessary. As far as we know, only Monocoat by Rubio allows to “topically repair only the affected area” and better yet there is no sanding or ripping out entire rooms because of an entryway. It is no secret that Monocoat is our favorite DIY finish product for a number of reasons, including a true zero VOC product that requires ‘one coat’.
Homemade Scratch Repair- Olive oil and vinegar
Mix equal parts water and Vinegar which creates a natural wood filler perfect for tiny scratches. Mix the solution together & apply to with a clean rag, done.
Lemon juice and oil. Mix together equal parts fresh lemon juice and oil—canola oil, vegetable oil, or olive oil would all work. Apply to the scratch with a microfiber cloth, being sure to wipe in the direction of the wood grain, done.
Walnuts or Brazil Nuts. The natural oils Simply rub the nut over the scratch and let the natural oils fill in the dent. Because of their texture, walnuts and Brazil nuts work the best. We have no 1st hand knowledge; however, trusted sources swear by this one.
When you are deciding between prefinished or unfinished floors the first consideration should be your experience, or a trusted professional with the experience. Prefinished hardwood floors have had all the work done to them before they arrive in your home and are ready to be installed. In most cases this means sanded, stained, and finished with a UV aluminum oxide coating as a topcoat. On the other hand, unfinished boards require; acclimation, finish, drying time, not to mention it is long and heavy.
Prefinished is factory and site by hand.
By comparison prefinished by definition means finished before you see it, meaning big multinationals pick colors and styles based on what sold last year! So they make it then market with cool names and nice (short) boxes. Site finishing means you are limited by the imagination not inventory.
So what is best, buying prefinished or unfinished wood floors? Unfinished floors must be site finished, while prefinished floors are finished in a factory. Site finishing unfinished boards allows the artisan to create and no factory finish compares with the look of a hand finished floor. Having said that, installing prefinished floors take much less time and effort but I will argue that the results of site finishing are worth it.
Lipstick on a pig- you have been warned.
Have you ever heard the term ‘putting lipstick on a pig’? This means you are attempting put a pretty coat on something not so pretty. Two examples of “Lipstick on a pig” are wire brushed LVT and anything that claims to be waterproof. And, of course any warranty that uses the words transferable and lifetime in their promise. All we can say, Caveat Emptor or buyer beware when buying a product designed to fail.
Unfinished or prefinished floors- one should be much longer.
7′ boxes do not mean 7′ boards- they are a nested bundle. Sold in a range such as 1-7′ with average lengths from 36″ to just over 1ft. You know the stuff you see everywhere. 100 names for 10 colors! Why? Money of course! Manufactures, take the small cuts, defects, micro shorts of dimensional lumber mills and finish it for the masses. That means 1-7′ bundles with average length under 24″, no matter what they say at the store waste comes in higher than 10%.
In conclusion
When deciding between unfinished and prefinished floors, it’s crucial to consider the pros and cons of each option. With an unfinished (site finished) floor you have choices that might be crucial, such as hypo-allergenic products, i.e. Monocoat by Rubio. Prefinished floors provide a convenient and ready-to-install solution, but they are short and do not the “wow” factor. If you value the ability to choose custom colors and finishes, site finished or finished to order floors would be the ideal choice for you. On the other hand, if you prioritize convenience and quick installation, prefinished floors are the way to go.
Open workspaceCreative
Our suggestion? Take the time to evaluate your preferences and needs before making a decision. For more information and personalized assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us today.
Should you Paint or Stain your southern pine walls?
This is not an attempt to avoid the answer but this is personal but here is how my decision is made. “I would always paint, if budget is an issue buy from the clearance rack, if not buy Monocoat by Rubio because it is zero VOC. The clearance rack is actually a green choice because it could be used for a lot worse things that have a much shorter life. And, if you use 3/4 boards, one day someone will take them down and that paint can be sanded done to a form a undertone which is big money if done by finish shop!” (Jason Howard, 2024}. Now that is my take on things but it is far from the norm because I love to make new floors look old; an old coat of paint or new one, sanded off can be made to look very cool. (See below).
Salvaged decking
circa 1908
Reclaimed Pine Wall Skins: The ultimate repurpose
Well, at least I hope you think it looks “cool”, that photo is my work and our guest bathroom. Here is an example of wood painted, sanded, stained and finished. The point? Painting our gorgeous Southern Pine and your are 1/4 of the way there already. And before you say the stain would do the same thing, it does not. It is far more uniform, for age, and certainly for anyone trying to distress their floor (former walls) paint is easy one you get the prototype. Call me for more, I am running out of room.
Transform your space with the timeless beauty of pine walls. Whether you’re looking to create a cozy cabin retreat or add rustic charm to your home, our premium V Groove and Ship-lap pine walls are the perfect choice. With their classic design and natural wood grain, these walls will instantly elevate the aesthetic of any room. Experience the warmth and character that only pine can offer, while enjoying the durability and easy installation of our expertly crafted panels. Don’t settle for ordinary walls when you can have the stunning elegance of pine. Upgrade your space today with our exquisite Pine Walls.
GarageMore than floorsMore than floorsHeart pineAging, distressing antiquingToo coolMontana
Southern Pine has long been the preferred species for pressure treatment because of its unique cellular structure that permits deep, uniform penetration of preservatives. Porous defines the cellular structure of Southern Pine, which allows the species to handle changes better than most. Some 85% of all pressure-treated wood produced in the U.S. is Southern Pine. Southern Yellow Pine Direct offers treated dimensional lumber such as the 4 x 4 beams shown below. Contact Jason for details.
Treated Southern Pine is durable like no other species
If you are measuring Southern Pine durability remember not all pine is created equal, furthermore, the durability doesn’t depend on the Janka Rating. And this rating only rates Yellow Pine, i.e., Southern Yellow Pine, not the (standalone) species. A dozen species make up the description, Southern Yellow Pine. And for the record, Eastern White Pine is not one of them. Durability is about handling stress such as temperature and humidity, moisture is the killer for wood floors.
Pressure treated KDAT decking
Kiln Dried After Treatment Lumber (KDAT) is a drying process that occurs after pressure treating wood – once lumber is pressure treated with chemicals, kiln drying removes excess moisture and chemicals left behind to help minimize the natural tendencies of wood to warp, cup and shrink. All of our treated lumber is KDAT materials and if you are shopping for deck boards, those are 4 important letters.
Benefits of KDAT Pressure Treated Southern Pine
Even drying minimizes cups, warps, checks and shrinks
Easier to handle, cut and plane
Lighter than “wet” or “green” treated lumber
More nail-holding and screw-holding power
Easier to drill and saw
What does pressure treated mean?
Pressure-treated lumber is the result of a process that uses high pressure to inject a preservative into the wood. We use Copper Azole, a water-based wood preservative that prevents fungal decay and insect attack; it is a fungicide and insecticide.
How many years does pressure-treated wood last?
Just like any wood, this depends on the exposure to water and the earth. Ground contact wood needs ground contact treatment but in generally upwards of 15 years for decks in the south.
So if you are putting in a new deck, give us a call. If it is Southern Pine, SYP Direct is one place you get the honest information and pricing. We have an A+ rating with the BBB because we do not sacrifice honesty to make a sale, never. Family owned and if you call, you will talk with one of us. We are waiting to hear from you.