Wisconsin repeat knotty pine customer p nushart

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Where does Wisconsin buy the best #2 Knotty Pine? Southern Yellow Pine Direct is the choice for dozens of homeowners a year. We ship all over the United States and WI sales always ranks in our top 12-15 states for number of orders.  However, in 2016 WI resident P. Nushart asked us to do something unique and very difficult regarding his flooring order. Pete asked us to deliver his Knotty Pine floor on the date of his wedding anniversary, the exact date mind you. Pete’s wife had fallen in love with our #2 grade Knotty Pine and he was going to surprise her with the on time arrival of her new floor. No pressure, but any delay would mean ruining a wedding anniversary, so of course we accepted the challenge.

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Shipping pine to Wisconsin

Shipping unfinished wood flooring, (4300 lbs of wood floors over 900 miles in this case) is easy, however an exact delivery time a problem. We use LTL carriers to deliver you floors to either your residence or a commercial location. In the case of residential delivery, the devil is in the details, i.e. shippers hate surprises. What this means is that we have to be hyper-vigilant in setting up the delivery. SYP Direct will confirm and get in writing the delivery plan, but there are a number of issues that may come up during delivery, like weather. So to say we went out on a limb for Pete’s anniversary is definitely and understatement.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”1430″ img_size=”740×500″ title=”Happy Anniversary”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Local no matter where you live

Wisconsin #2 Knotty Southern Yellow Pine is obviously not grown in Wisconsin, as the Badger state is only southern to  Canada. However, SYP Direct is local no matter where you live, WI is not exception. If you live in Wisconsin and think you are too far away, check out Montana or Wyoming customers. To receive a custom quote based on your order and information call 888 286 2057. Search our site for more information, we look forward to talking with you about your project.

More about SYP Direct

Read the reviews on Houzz, Google and our BBB site. Do not take our word for it, search SYP Direct reviews. SYP Direct is short for Southern Yellow Pine Direct, one in the same. The thread is customer service and happy customers.  SYP Direct is not magic, things do go wrong, but we fix them. Customer service is the same with 200 to 2000 square feet, furthermore, we are willing educate our clients. In fact, we validate what they know to be true, that real wood is better than fake. Going to bat for the homeowner is not over and above, it is what we do everyday. Want to hear about a few examples of our ownership talking with a local contractor on behalf of our customers, call us.


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