April 29 2024 update and answer to What is Caribbean Heart Pine? For a sample and or to hear more about (what) is Caribbean Heart Pine- call us now 888 286 2057 or hit the contact form and start the process to getting your dream floor.
Rustic Grade CHP
What is Caribbean Heart Pine? In a few words, the type of floor that creates envy, intended or otherwise. Every single person that comes into your home will complement the floor while having no idea what type of pine they are admiring. This leaves room for our customers to engage in some exaggeration intended to “impress” that one person in the family who always brags, you know the one. “We tell customers to say that it came from 200 year Whiskey Barn, and then finish it as such.”
Caribbean Heart Pine is…
Caribbean Heart Pine is one “luxury” purchase (investment) that will pay off in the future. Perhaps one of the most desirable traits of Caribbean Heart Pine is that its natural beauty becomes more evident with time. What about Caribbean Heart Pine makes aging it, so easy? To find out more contact us now.
What is Caribbean Heart Pine- % of heartwood
Caribbean Heart Pine contains the highest percentage of heartwood found in any new heart pine except for actual old growth, which is extremely hard to find and awfully expensive. So, with that in mind can you choose which of these boards is new and which are reclaimed? Tell them it came from a two-hundred-year-old Kentucky Horse barn; they will never know if you finish it right! Caribbean Heart Pine is a 25-million-dollar home right now- but the neighbors have no clue. We tell customers to call the floor whatever they want, antique for example. Fool your friends or make them jealous, that is up to you. SYP Direct takes care of our customers by telling 100% truth about the grade, you are free to tell your own story.
What is Caribbean Heart Pine- The grades
The grades are not sorted based on heart content but rather knot frequency and the rustic grade will more color variation and character. The rustic grade will have more frequent knots and the sapwood will generally be within this grade. The select or prime grade will have in frequent knots, a darker color, and a more consistent color range. Tongue and Groove and End Matched One-to-twelve-foot lengths with average 6-8’.
Rustic Grade Caribbean Heart Pine Floors
Rustic grade of Caribbean Heart Pine has more of its heartwood derived from sap. Of course, the sap gives the color variations and those gorgeous knots. Prime grade is uniform in color, very few, if any knots. Colors in a range from golden brown to red brown heartwood. While both rustic and prime grades contain a minimum of 85% heartwood, rustic has knots. Some might call it character. Prime grade is virtually clear except occasional small pin knots. Color is more consistent and harmonious, with a high degree of red heartwood and limited sapwood.
What are the grades of Caribbean?
The grades are not sorted based on heart content but rather knot frequency and the rustic grade will more color variation and character. The rustic grade will have more frequent knots and the sapwood will generally be within this grade. The select or prime grade will have in frequent knots, a darker color, and a more consistent color range. Tongue and Groove and End Matched One-to-twelve-foot lengths with average 6-8’.
Rustic grade of Caribbean Heart Pine has more of its heartwood derived from sap. Of course, the sap gives the color variations and those gorgeous knots. Prime grade is uniform in color, very few, if any knots. Colors in a range from golden brown to red brown heartwood. While both rustic and prime grades contain a minimum of 85% heartwood, rustic has knots. Some might call it character. Prime grade is virtually clear except occasional small pin knots. Color is more consistent and harmonious, with a high degree of red heartwood and limited sapwood.