How much extra wood flooring should I order, what is the waste factor? Two questions we get during the first call or at least the first time we quote a price. When comparing floors, the first question you need to ask, how much extra I should order? The reason, 10% is normal and anything different indicates something out of the ordinary. For example, if someone tells you need to order 600 square feet when you need to cover 500 there is an issue. The only time to exceed 10% is with tavern or cabin (#3) grades or with very small wide plank orders.
Waste factor
The waste factor is not all about defects, in fact the defects cuts outs should never equal more than 10%. Unfinished real wood flooring is not like sticking down a laminate or clicking together an engineered floor the boards are large they are heavy and towards the edges of the room often require cutting. The cut outs cut offs, cut arounds and everything that does not become floor, designated the waste factor. The one exception would be a small order of 1x10x12 which has almost 8 square feet per board. If you mess up too many of those during install and your order is small, you have a problem.

Reasons to go above 10%
A small amount of wood means a small number of boards , errors or more important or avoiding them is more important to be more accurate. Just imagine for a minute if you want to order 400 square feet of 1 x 8 x 12, with waste 440 square feet. Each board contains 6.875 or essentially 7 sq feet per board, so the order contains 64 boards. So that, every board really counts.
All floors including covers have a waste factor
It may come as no shock that we are not fans of engineered or laminate flooring, we refer to them as covers. In fact, you do not buy a floor cover, you lease it. One step further, that leased cover ends up in a landfill with the chemicals which created them, and the ones used to stick them down. But I digress, back to the waste factor which like taxes everyone has to address them. A waste factor is about the skill off the installer, the quality of the materials and the shape in which the arrive.
waste factor

How many square feet per board
- 1 x 4 x 8 = 2.08 sq ft
- 1 x 4 x 10 = 2.60 sq ft
- 1 x 4 x 12= 3.125 sq ft
- 1 x 6 x 8 = 3.42 sq ft
- 1 x 6 x 8 = 3.42 sq ft
- 1 x 6 x 10 = 4.27 sq ft
- 1 x 6 x 12 = 5.125 sq ft
- 1 x 8 x 8 = 4.58 sq ft
- 1 x 8 x 10 = 5.73 sq ft
- 1 x 8 x 12 = 6.875 sq ft
- 1 x 10 x 8 = 5.83 sq ft
- 1 x 10 x 10 = 7.29 sq ft
- 1 x 10 x 12 = 8.75 sq ft
Shipping wood floors
We ship flooring all over the United States, literally that is not marketing. When we ship 1800 miles, 4 pallets weighing 3000 lbs each our biggest concern are the ¼ in edges we call tongue and groove. Many customers do not fully grasp that real wood is long and heavy but should not be manhandled because of those connections that we call the tongue and groove. Remember, our amazing floors and price mean nothing without true delivery cost; i.e. the amount it takes to complete the job.For more on how we protect your order and keep the waste factor below 10% let us hear from you today.
Special Pricing Mill Run Heart Pine
June 6th 2021- Southern Yellow Pine Direct has 5200 sq ft. of 1 x 8 x 12′ Mill Run Heart Pine waiting for you to choose your finish. Choose from 12 standard colors, as well as luxury brands such as Bona, Monocoat and WOCA. For more information contact us right now, first come first serve.