What does truckload pricing mean, exactly?
Truckload pricing, while not a set amount of square footage, because all trucks are different and 8′ boards travel different than 14′. Our New Heart Pine and #2 grade from Alabama has no volume discounts anywhere close to these prices- it is not the same product. Both produce quality beyond reproach and choosing, really is a matter of taste.
Truckload pricing- Southern Pine not our Heart Pine
These prices are based on volume and the date of contract price may change based on Chicago Mercantile Exchange, symbol- lum. Why is that important? At height of COVID the price reached 1250 mbf, today the price is 510 mbf after reaching a low of 420 or so. So those projects you investigated two years ago might be more attractive today. Tongue and groove, V-Groove, Ship-lap and even treated KDAT materials including 8′ beams (4×4) for $12.00 each when you order decking. Anything pine- call us now.
Truckload pricing – Minimum orders
While in theory there is not minimum order the order must be large enough to warrant a dedicated truck, flatbed. We can accommodate you with dedicated truck for, 3000 square feet for example, however transportation becomes LARGER percentage of the total with smaller orders. Here are two examples of the delivered cost per square foot. Two delivered for around $2.00 and another $3.00 the higher price is width, yes but the real increase comes from shipping as it moves from .30 per sq ft on 9000 sq ft to $1.00 on 3000 sq ft. (both equal $3000.00)
- 9,000 sq ft 1 x 6 x 10 UNTREATED and unfinished – $1.69 per square foot V groove shipped to Idaho, delivered cost under $2.00.
- 13,200 sq ft 1 x 8 x 12 UNTREATED and unfinished – $1.81 per square foot V groove shipped to Nashville delivered $2.02.
- 3000 sq feet 1 x 10 x 10 #2 Southern Yellow Pine shipped to Colorado Springs, Colorado- materials- $2.10 delivered cost $3.12. Still an amazing deal, in Colorado.
#2 Knotty Southern Pine

What is the difference between Alabama and Louisiana Southern Pine from SYP Direct?
Truckload pricing from our New Heart Pine mill in Alabama is not the same type of price break (%) as our Louisiana source. And the reason for the price difference is easy to spot when comparing the boards- sapwood and heartwood, aka color. Compare.