Black Walnut Floors

American Black Walnut

American black walnut floors from syp direct
Select grade finished

The Popularity of Black Walnut

Its popularity continues to grow, particularly in the United States where dark tones are trending. According to last year’s Annual Wood Species and Design Survey, administered by the Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers Inc., walnut was the top choice for bedroom and home office furniture, second in entertainment centers, and third in dining room furniture. Walnut Floors in wide planks surged in popularity during this century, prices have followed seeming to rise every year.

Black Walnut from the pine folks

SYP Direct offers Black Walnut floors in unfinished 3/4 solid and unfinished engineered, 3/4 with 6 mm wear layer. Black Walnut floors offer a rich to purplish brown heartwood. The grain varies with the grade but straight grain is the most prevalent. Wavy or curly grain is sometimes present, we see it in the Euro Character grade. Black Walnut floors are tough and hard, they are moderately easy to finish and install, more on that if you are interested.


The DIY Suitability of American Black Walnut

It would be hard to overstate the species’ popularity among woodworkers in the United States. Its cooperative working characteristics, coupled with its rich brown coloration puts the wood in a class by itself among temperate-zone hardwoods. To cap it off, the wood also has good dimensional stability, shock resistance, and strength properties. The downside, price, price and price. Some allergies are reported and Walnut doesn’t really stain stain too well, but why would you stain it anyway- that is why you buy it, to see it. 



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