What is SYP Direct?

SYP Direct Floors

What is SYP Direct Floors? How about an A+ rated mill to order online pine flooring mill, delivering the best Long-leaf Heart and Rustic pine floors, bar none. Seriously, checking one box is not possible when asked the question what is SYP Direct?   What we do is an easier question to answer since there is no category for our business model. We mill to order Southern Yellow Pine (SYP) floors one customer at a time, i.e., mill direct. Mill Direct brings continuity which creates an easier installation with better performance over the life of the floor. For more “What is Southern Pine” read this! 

What is SYP Direct? Floors, milled to order and shipped nationwide

The only online pine flooring mill with an A+ BBB rating. In fact, we are the only online mill direct source for high quality and affordable Southern Pine, including new Heart Pine. 

Trust SYP Direct Floors

With an A+ rating from the BBB, it is no surprise that we never misrepresent our flooring in any way shape or form. We have no surprise cost, and our business was, and will continue to be, dependent on word of mouth and repeat business. The larger orders get only get a volume discount; the customer service is the same with 200 to 2000 square feet. We are willing educate our clients and go to bat for them, in a variety of forms. We have been on the phone with contractors, builders, installers and too many salespeople at box stores to count. Once customers realize the marketing tricks such as, warranties, scratch resistant and water proof.

Southern Yellow Pine Direct flooring is the homeowners’ source for New Heart pine, Caribbean Heart Pine  and the best-selling rustic #2 “Knotty” Southern Yellow Pine. The best Southern Pine direct to homeowners. We are local no matter where you live! What does that mean? In the past 9 years we have shipped over 3 1/2 million square feet of unfinished pine to homeowners in 49 states. Update, now all 50 states as of June 2023.

SYP Direct Floors to homeowners

SYP Direct has sold flooring to at least one homeowner in all 50 states, Canada and Puerto Rico.  Local does not necessarily mean a brick and mortar location in your city, or state for that matter. It is about being the best source for pine flooring, no matter where you live. Our delivered flooring arrives in long heavy pallets, not cute boxes. However, shipping cost included, our prices are better than your local source when comparing apples to apples. 

Investment FlooringSyp direct floors new heart pine

We preach solid real wood flooring, relentlessly because it is what it best for you, the homeowner, i.e. investment floors. Our business, sales and profits take care of themselves if we act in good faith as ‘advisors’ for your investment. Which essentially means making sure “you do not get ripped off” and explain real wood floors without an agenda.

We have grown our business organically with referrals and repeat business. We answer the phone, we call you back; and we talk with you about your project.  Old school customer service  without any sales pressure except to buy real wood even if not from SYP Direct. Finally, we promise to tell you the truth while acting as your advocate. We work for you, the homeowner and that is the end of story.

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Southern Yellow Pine Direct offer homeowners the reliability of an A+ rated BBB company; the best quality, pricing and service bar none. We operate under an "old school" philosophy that the customer is always right. We make sure you are just that by educating and dispelling myths about Southern Pine and Heart Pine flooring.
Remember we are a mill to order manufacturer of unfinished and prefinished Southern Pine, including our speciality Heart Pine. Our lead times are normally about two weeks, with Hardwoods and Imports the lead times vary and that is an understatement. 2 days -2 months has bee the answer since COVID. But things are imporving, as White Oak prices continue to fall. (Jason Howard 9/9/2022)
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