Dog Friendly

2024 Dog Friendly Floors Update

Dog friendly floors are all about the finish. Of course, you will here that real wood is not good for big dogs or even dogs in general. This is simply not true, at all. However, before we talk about the finish, we should address the question of Southern Pine and if it is a dog friendly floor.  There is so much confusion regarding pine because there are so many variations of this versatile and durable species. First and foremost, not all pine is created equal. Dimensional lumber (2×4) and New Heart Pine are not from the same species, or age of pine but unfortunately this is not common knowledge.

Dog friendly floors from syp direct owner and dog

Dog Friendly floors need dog friendly people; while the content below is about dog friendly floors, the aim is to introduce CARA and two special dogs. Our company, and the writer believe passionately about the work the employees and volunteers do at CARA as well as other No Kill Shelters. If you can help you local shelter, we urge you to do so. Every little bit helps, from blankets to kitty litter. Beware of visits, you might find one hard to leave, we sure did.

Community Animal Rescue and Adoption

Community Animal Rescue and Adoption of Jackson Mississippi, or CARA is one of 4000 No Kill Shelters in the United States. A community shelter is considered no-kill when every brick-and-mortar shelter serving and/or located in that community has reached a ‘save rate’ of 90% or higher. Estimates put the total number of entities deemed animal rescue groups with or without brick and mortar over 14,000. Those numbers were eye opening when you put them into the context of the total number of animals involved. For more information search your local animal shelter or visit CARA of Jackson and adopt a new best friend.  

Our reasons to support CARA

Tank- What is he is usually the first question when inquiring about Tank. Our answer or guess, Tank is a Plott Hound or at least part one. The AKC tells us that the breed is “noted for stamina, endurance, agility, determination and aggressiveness when hunting” which Tank does very little of today unless he losses a dog treat. Tank was adopted and then returned to CARA by the owners which is heart breaking. He was love at first sight, we brought him home in 2013 where he remained an only child until 2016 and the Moo arrived.

One the best dog friendly floors and finsh

Thank you CARA

Ellie "Moo"

Ellie Moo – After being saved from the city animal shelter by a dedicated employee Ellie spent almost two years in CARA. When she arrived her hair patchy and her neck marked from the chain, there was not much hope of adoption. If you did not realize, Ellie is a pit bull and in some places illegal to own. Our assertion has always been that the problem lies with the breeders and owners not the dogs, Ellie Moo was just confirmation. Today her life is much different,  she has custom dog bed a big yard, daily walks and her buddy Tank. In case you wonder Ellie Mae became Ellie Moo, now really just the Moo for her close friends.


The finish is 10x more important than the type of floor, all woods scratches and scuffs with kids and dogs. For the DIY, ease of repair is my first choice followed by ease of application which includes time.

Dog Friendly floors

In the days when everything was toxic, the term dog friendly meant sap and knots, character for lack of better word because this allows scratches to be easily hidden. Today dog friendly can be about the allergens or aluminum dust, but good or bad the that terminology is everywhere. So, to be clear we are talking about the best finishes hiding and or fixing damages and we have a 100% zero VOC option, too.

A dog will be a dog- so dog friendly includes being easy to fix

Any UV coated finish can protect against normal (not large) dog wear and tear. The problem occurs when fixing an issue is necessary. As far as we know, only Monocoat by Rubio allows to “topically repair only the affected area” and better yet there is no sanding or ripping out entire rooms because of an entryway. It is no secret that Monocoat is our favorite DIY finish product for a number of reasons, including a true zero VOC product that requires ‘one coat’.

Homemade Scratch Repair- Olive oil and vinegar

Mix equal parts water and Vinegar which creates a natural wood filler perfect for tiny scratches. Mix the solution together & apply to with a clean rag, done.

Lemon juice and oil. Mix together equal parts fresh lemon juice and oil—canola oil, vegetable oil, or olive oil would all work. Apply to the scratch with a microfiber cloth, being sure to wipe in the direction of the wood grain, done.

Walnuts or Brazil Nuts. The natural oils Simply rub the nut over the scratch and let the natural oils fill in the dent. Because of their texture, walnuts and Brazil nuts work the best.  We have no 1st hand knowledge; however, trusted sources swear by this one. 


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Southern Yellow Pine Direct offer homeowners the reliability of an A+ rated BBB company; the best quality, pricing and service bar none. We operate under an "old school" philosophy that the customer is always right. We make sure you are just that by educating and dispelling myths about Southern Pine and Heart Pine flooring.
Remember we are a mill to order manufacturer of unfinished and prefinished Southern Pine, including our speciality Heart Pine. Our lead times are normally about two weeks, with Hardwoods and Imports the lead times vary and that is an understatement. 2 days -2 months has bee the answer since COVID. But things are imporving, as White Oak prices continue to fall. (Jason Howard 9/9/2022)
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