The Crary family of Prescott Arizona, sent amazing pictures of our Heart Pine Floors. The photos you see here are the end result of an “aging” process using an undercoat and patience. After 8 years and thousands of floors only the truly unique catch our attention, this fits the bill. Instead of explaining the ‘recipe’, we can get it directly from the source. “We wanted the floor to look rustic, we put an undercoat on first and sanded it off, before applying the finish coats. (Waterlox) VERY labor intensive but we like the result 🙂 We probably should have done one more layer of Waterlox at the end, but we just wanted to move in. So, it is imperfect like us and we love it!”
Arizona & Southern Pine
You may not think of Arizona when you think Southern Pine, or Heart Pine. Think again, SYP Direct makes it possible for people like the Crarys to obtain authentic materials at a reasonable cost. The finish job on these floors is amazing but the underlying materials made it possible. Full disclosure, Allan Crary runs Haley Construction and along with his wife Alison who designed this floor, they are not your normal DIY. The caption reads Bean Bleed, which refers to the Jatoba Bean stain wiped on and off, would not be as dramatic without the character underneath.
Haley Construction, Prescott Arizona
Started in 1955 by CJ and Francis Haley as a residential developer in Globe, AZ, the company moved to Prescott in 1960 and soon became one of the largest construction companies in Yavapai County. Haley boast 1,000 projects in the Prescott and northern Arizona. These include notable municipal and commercial buildings, historic restorations, medical, green buildings, and award-winning custom residential homes. Want to move to Arizona? Check out Prescott and Haley Construction- it is a growing area, and we already found you a builder!
Prescott described as an “historic desert mountain city”. located about 60 miles south of Sedona, a popular arts and retirement community. Downtown is clean, quiet and is a mix of old West and Midwest with a number of historic structures. Older homes, mostly of Victorian vintage, are nicely kept and restored, due in part to preservation incentives. There are more than 700 structures listed in the National Register of Historic Places in Prescott county.
SYP Direct- Local no matter where you live
What is SYP Direct, how about an A+ rated mill to order online pine flooring mill; delivering the best Longleaf Heart and Rustic pine floors, bar none. Seriously, checking one box is not possible when asked the question what is SYP Direct? What we do is an easier question to answer since there is no category for our business model. We mill to order Southern Yellow Pine (SYP) floors one customer at a time, i.e. mill direct. Mill Direct brings continuity which creates an easier installation with better performance over the life of the floor.
More about SYP Direct
What about SYP Direct makes us so unique? Southern Yellow Pine Direct aka SYP Direct is the only true online pine flooring mill. Furthermore, our mill partnership (s) allows us to manufacture using custom specifications aka milled to specs or milled to order. Milled to order is really big deal. How so? Nothing is sitting around on a shelf waiting to be matched with another run, weeks later. Every board of your floor comes from the same timber which is milled all together creating a continuity important to the look and the ease of installation.
How did you find Southern Yellow Pine Direct in Arizona?
“Honestly, I think I just did a lot of google searches initially about pine floors and ran across your site. It seemed professional but personable, with a LOT of good information. I emailed a lot of people initially, but Heather was the one that responded with the most detail. I never felt like there was anything I could not ask her unlike other places. She went above and beyond communicating and answering my questions in great detail which I appreciated. I knew what to expect for every step from her from the samples to the delivery of our actual flooring. And of course, your pricing and quality is great!”
Creating a decrotive beam with extra tongue and groove floors
I don’t know about you but I am not this creative or talented. Alison claims it “wasn’t that hard” but I am not sure our defintions of hard are not quite the same. Of course the undercoat process and the finished product is very impressive but how about the beam. Over the years customers have sent pictures of bartops, doors, shelving, accent walls and a chicken coup but never a beam using all t/g floors. Creating it might seem easy but look closely, at the finish and quality of work that is not easy at all. It requires precision and a complete understanding of the desired outcome, aka the look. And by the way, the Crarys also ended up with a matching window, too.