Caribbean Heart Pine pictures help answer the questions what is CHP and how does it compare to domestic New Heart Pine? At SYP Direct we do not stage pictures, these are actual Caribbean Heart Pine customer pictures. Both Rustic and Prime grades are represented, all 100% solid real wood with 85% heartwood. The percentage heart is very important as a 50% version of CHP exist in prefinished form. Rustic grade Caribbean Heart Pine has knots, character with red to dark brown colors. Prime grade contains tiny pine knots, if any. The colors are more uniform as the contain less sap than the rustic grade.
Where can you find CHP pictures?
Caribbean Heart Pine pictures, identified as such, are few and far between Caribbean Pine, from Honduras (our source) grows on plantations just like in the United States. A secret no others company will tell you, it grows close to the equator, sub tropics, you know central America? So what? Well, this combination creates heart content (CHP customer pictures) much faster than any North American species. One place where you can find Caribbean Heart Pine pictures is our clients who allow us to show them off. However, some clients like builders may want to rename the species to old growth or even antique, easy enough with up to 90% heart content.
How does CHP compare to Longleaf Heart Pine
Rustic Caribbean Heart Pine has the color and character of full mature old growth Longleaf pine. In fact, with the right finish the look of Antique Reclaimed Heart Pine is possible. Prime grade is what we think of as ‘old school’ Heart Pine. Prime has few knots and clean look which perfect for formal settings. Both grades have 85% (minimum) heartwood on the face of every board. However, rustic will contain more sapwood and color variance- similar to Longleaf Heart Pine. Prime grade will have very few if any pin knots and a much more consistent color pattern.
More about Caribbean Heart Pine
Caribbean Heart Pine is a beautiful wood prized throughout the world for its distinctive grain, rich, lustrous patina, and durable hardness. Our Caribbean Heart Pine is uniform in color and will range from golden brown to red brown heartwood to lighter brown sapwood. Caribbean Heart Pine deepens in dark red color over time. Perhaps one of the most desirable traits of Caribbean Heart Pine is that natural beauty becomes more evident with time. As the wood ages, its patina emerges providing a palette of rich, vibrant colors ranging from yellows to vibrant reds and coppers that deepen and intensify with age. Below we have a portfolio from Facebook click here to visit Houzz and our more Caribbean Heart Pine pictures.
Caribbean Heart Pine pictures
Pictures matter only if the person showing them to you can tell you what you are looking at, right? If you at our Caribbean Heart Pine pictures they are not the standard shots you see everywhere, they are our customers. Do it yourself customers have created some of the most amazing Caribbean Heart Pine floors. You should be next.