Box store pine floors are not as good as ours and they are more expensive. Let me repeat, apples to apples they way more expensive. And even their cheaper stuff is stupid expensive for what it is, or certainly what it is not. In world where laminate and hardwood are regularly used to market some floor cover, you might want to use a healthy skepticism when floor shopping. Rule number 1- or at least the question to ask when promised a lifetime transferable warranty; so forever?
My name is Jason and this is about box store pine floors
Why is this guy putting his name is the heading? Great question. The same reason you are going to see the term ‘box store pine floors’ over and over; we do not pay for advertising. Much easier said than done, if you are not on the first page its tough. So my great Do It Yourself project has been this website. I wrote every word and am responsible for every typo; but nowhere on this site will I lie or show you a picture that is not our floor and client (client proxy, i.e. builders). Welcome to SYP Direct
Box Store Pine Floors are short, by definition they are not select.
“Select” Knotty Pine and assume it means ‘the best’. No, not all. Select, by definition, indicates ‘hand selected’ during the sorting process. Only problem, it is all ‘hand sorted’ unless you are keeping defects in the grade. Lumber Liquidators does sell select pine, it was selected to be sold for pulp or thrown away, but still selected.
Select is hand selected
Select, or hand select wood floors all come from the same mill. Wait Jason, all box store pine comes from the same mill, right? Think about that for a minute- what size mill, what mill would be willing to sell size at “discount”- not in the real world. Sounds good in sales pitch, but Southern Pine Flooring mills do no business directly with any of box stores. Lumber mills, yes but that is part of the problem- read What is Southern Pine.

Box stores are great, box store pine floors are not even good compared to YOUR options.
Did you know that we can take our 12′ boards and finish them based on your specifications. Yup, finished to order. Not to be confused with prefinished box store pine floors. A factory or flat line finish is not something that becomes affordable without some volume, so sometimes smaller projects will not work, for people with budgets. In fact, you can finish your cabinets, stairs and trim, all in the same place.
3/4 x 6 7/8 (1 x 8) Mill Run Heart Pine- What is Mill Run?
Our Mill Run Heart Pine, might also be seen in our photos as Character Grade which we had to change a few years back because it is not character grade pine. It is Heart Pine, in 12′ boards sorting with same concept as Euro Character White Oak, we took out the Euro of course. However, Character Pine is now being used to define tavern and cabin grade which a finish. My cousin Bub would call that lipstick on a pig.
Box store pine floors priced over $6.00 check these out
All of these floors were less than than anything you find shopping through box store pine floors. Long boards- Amazing Character.

In conclusion, we love Home Depot and Lowes- but their prefinished solid pine floors are a mass produced product.
Caveat’ to that statement, we need lead time and you need to be doing more than one room. I wish it were different but this process is not off the shelf, custom is the proper description. Luxury flooring that beats box store pine prices, no kidding. Not to mention we can finish wide planks and 12′ boards, ask them that at lumber liquidators or whatever they call themselves now. Mill Run Heart Pine, finished clear or tint with topcoat, plus aluminum oxide UV protection- the price depends upon volume, call us now. 888 286 2057 or fill out the contact form.
Made in America- Southern Pine & Alabama Heart Pine