Blue stain (fungus)Southern Pine versus Bettle Kill (fungus) Pine
Blue stain is a common fungus that infects the Southern Pine, specifically the sapwood of freshly sawn boards causing a blue discoloration in pine. This fungus may occur with fallen timber or boards exposed to elements prior to KILN. The color can range from a striking blue to a dull gray or black.
Beetle Kill
Whereas Beetle-kill wood comes from pine trees that have been infected by the Mountain Pine Beetle. Mountain pine beetles lay eggs under a tree’s bark and the young beetles carry a fungus into the sapwood, which leaves a blue or grey stain.
Finished Blue
Blue “stained” Southern Pine should not be confused with pine stained blue. One is a color or style, one a fungus. If freshly taken or fallen timber is exposed air and moisture (outside) for an extended period of time (summer) the setup is right for ‘the blue’ to appear.
The Floor – The blue/gray/white Shabby Chic style is built on this pattern because it is cool. In 2018, Bayou Rustic created “Biloxi Blue” using Caribbean Heart Pine and Monocoat by Rubio finish.