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The best rustic floors are all about character and color, derived from knots

The word rustic, is subjective.  It is Southern Pine with sap and heartwood, a 7″ wide plank mill run heart pine. We shipped our unfinished 12′ boards to our finish partner who created for us an amazing floor, just perfect really. Fawn, the finish name sits on top of our 3/4 x 7″ tongue and groove, ends matched including a micro bevel along all four sides. This floor offers, what I consider to be the common characteristic of gorgeous rustic flooring, color variations.

Rustic floors are how we define character

Do all rustic floors have knots?

Rustic floors, or rustic by definition refers to simplicity, rural or country style. Rustic handwriting and lumber, but what about flooring? Do knots automatically indicated a “rustic” style or simplicity? The word comes from Latin Rusticus or Rus, “to be country”, or Shabby Chic as we call it today. All well and good but some may believe rustic indicates a lack of sophistication and style. We will argue that those two characteristics are not always one the same, simple is good. Want great recent example what rustic means in Colorado?

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Caribbean Heart Pine Rustic Grade” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:center” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sypdirect.net%2Fwhat-is-caribbean-heart-pine%2F|title:What%20is%20Caribbean%20Heart%20Pine”][vc_column_text]

Caribbean Heart Pine gives you the type of floor that  creates envy, intended or otherwise. Every single person that comes into your home will complement the floor while having no idea what type of pine they are admiring. Perhaps one of the most desirable traits of Caribbean Heart Pine is that its natural beauty becomes more evident with time. As the wood ages, its patina emerges providing a palette of rich, vibrant colors ranging from yellows to vibrant reds and coppers that deepen and intensify with age. Want to see more pictures, Pinterest site.

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“Sometimes you feel like a knot, sometimes you don’t”

NO, I will ‘knot’ apologize for that and if you do not get it, you are too young to remember! How about Not all Knots are created equal? No, the perfect example our #2 grade, aka Knotty Pine. Our #2 SYP does not indicate defect but rather a lack of heart pine. Remember not all Southern Pine is created equal, age and species matter.


[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Rustic with Knots” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sypdirect.net%2Frustic-eye-beholder%2F|title:Rustic%20in%20eye%20of%20beholder”][vc_column_text]

“Knots are not holes

“A few knots are ok, but”; the number of times we hear this or some version probably exceeds 50% of all callers. Rustic yes, but that does not mean huge knots all over every board, no. Of course, we get those of us that believe it is not the frequency but the stability of the knots that matter most. A knot is solid, not falling out or on the edge of board and never holes. However, notches or small holes a very different story. (see waste factor)

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Repairing Scars” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:center” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sypdirect.net%2Frefinishing-pine-floors%2F|title:Rustic%20in%20eye%20of%20beholder”][vc_column_text]

Repairing scars pays off 

Repairing a knot with a notch missing, what we call a scar, is easy and looks amazing. Ok, with dozens of wood fillers on the market which one works best? Well, just like our customer service we prefer to go old school with sawdust. For information on the process check YouTube, but essentially you mix some adhesive with sawdust, fill and sand. If your floors have a color/stain, drop some of that into the mix but don’t give up unless you can see all the way through.



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