#2 grades rustic heart pine southern yellow pine direct

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What is #2 Southern Yellow Knotty Pine?

Simple, it is a generic term for pine with knots, not a big surprise. What may surprise you, Knotty Pine is not a grade. #2 SYP is not a true grade and differs from mill to mill, i.e., floors or lumber. Lumber mills sort based on defects; knots included. But when a mill produces flooring, Heart Pine flooring, it is sorted based on the amount of visible heartwood, not defects. An astounding 95% of pine floors are produced by dimensional lumber mills using Loblolly or similar farmed species. Age creates not only gorgeous colors and character, durability and stability.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

More about Rustic #2 Southern Pine

Southern Yellow #2 Knotty Pine differs from mill to mill depending on the end product. For example, we produce Heart Pine, therefore our #2 knotty pine simply lacks the heart content. Distance from the middle of the tree, not defects, determine our #2 grade. Southern Yellow Pine Direct tells you truth about your options.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]More about Rustic Flooring from SYP Direct

Rustic floors, or rustic by definition refers to simplicity, rural or country style. What about flooring? Do knots automatically indicated a “rustic” style or simplicity? The word comes from Latin Rusticus or Rus, “to be country”, or Shabby Chic as we call it today.

[callout title=”Knots or No Knots Email Us” link=”https://sypdirect.net/contact-us/”]Find your inner rustic[/callout][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_message]

Sometimes you feel like a knot, sometimes you don’t! (Anonymous with apologies)

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1×8 Mill Run Heart

Our Mill-Run (rustic) Southern Pine floors might be perfect for you, if you understand real wood grades. And more importantly, when purchasing the unfinished version, experience and or a real wood professional are a firm requirement. Unless you simply buy enough it to “learn as you go”, made possible by the low price. We do not suggest the latter and the 1×8 Mill Run Heart Pine requires only 10% waste just like any other grade.[/vc_column_text][vc_media_grid gap=”35″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1681944766867-8c6dc6c3-6b8f-3″ include=”15885,15678,9763″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][hb_blog_boxes count=”6″ show_read_more=”true” orderby=”date” category=”6835″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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