Local Pine Installers can be a problem if you want real wood
Do we have a local pine installers? No, we have trusted partners but no employees that install our real wood floors. Finding a local pine installer can be a problem, for a number of reasons. From Florida to Maine the question “do we have local installers” frequently opens a first inquiry, call or email. Our flooring will not finish or install itself; they are great floors not magic floors. Furthermore, a poor finish and your great materials, not so great anymore. Employing local installation professionals nationwide, is not possible. However, promoting our local installation and site finish partners with SYP Direct materials experience.
Looking for local Pine installers?
Southern Yellow Pine Direct can help with your search for local pine installers. We do not employ local installation professionals, but we work with them when our clients require their service. We realize that many do not understand the significance of this statement, but if you ask a local installer about Southern Pine, the importance becomes clear.
Holding Local Pine installers accountable
The Bayou state holds a special place in our heart as both Heather and Jason Howard (founders) are from Louisiana. La. is known as the Sportsman’s Paradise, so lake and bayou houses are a common destination for our floors. In 2017, Kathy Jackson purchased our rustic wide plank knotty pine for her lake house in Louisiana. The family was using a local installer, who assured them he had worked with knotty pine several times. Unfortunately, Kathy did not realize this was not true until they revealed her splotchy floor with “bucket” mark in the middle.
Installing Southern Pine is so easy, site finishing is, however, an art.
Ego and or an ignorance of Longleaf Pine puts most local installers on the defensive when we “interview” them for our clients. Site finishing and installing Southern Pine is not difficult. However, it requires local installers without experience follow some basic rules. We help them understand that not all pine is created equal. Furthermore, their experience may not be applicable to our floors. Our sources include local installation professionals, contractors and custom home builders. The number of sources varies from state to state. For example, Montana has one, Pioneer Log and Timber whereas North Carolina has multiple. Colorado has no professionals but some amazing DIY floors, check this one out. For a professional near you, contact us.