How to install real wood floors- it takes time
How to install a real wood floor is the question and finding the right installer is job one. It is the first thing we tell people asking how to install real wood floors. When installing a real wood floor, of course, you want the proper skill set, but being honest is the most important quality. Installing a real wood floor takes time, and time is money for anyone paying labor, such as your local flooring store. Quick sounds great because you want to get your house back in order as soon as possible. However, quick means fake wood floors as installing a real wood floor takes time.
More FAQHow to install real wood floors when moisture is an issue
Wood is hydroscopic, it will absorb (expand) moisture when exposed to high humidity and will expel (shrink) it in low humidity environments. Southern Pine on the microscopic level is more porous, than Oak for example, which allows the species to handle moisture changes better than most hardwoods. Before wood floors are ready for your home, the moisture content must be normalized, i.e., consistent throughout the house. So, acclimation is one to key when asking how to install real wood floors.
Our Southern Pine- installing a real wood floor
Southern Pine is Kiln dried prior to manufacture or milling into floors. A Kiln is a closed system using temperature, humidity and air flow to lower the woods moisture content. Moisture content is the measure of the weight of the water in the wood, expressed in a percentage. A “kiln dried” grade of Southern Pines moisture content should be at around 12% with a maximum of 15% and settling around 10%-12% depending on width.
Storing your wood floors
Storing your floors prior to installation is about controlling moisture. Moisture will damage wood floors, all of them not just the real stuff. The good news is that we have some time-tested methods designed to prevent moisture issues and visual damage to your floors. Proper storage and handling make the acclimation process much easier.
Pre-condition prior to installing a real wood floor
How to install real wood floors, the right way must include some preparation. Preparation is necessary, including acclimation Do not skip this important step, cheap and takes very little time. The first step, apply a pre-conditioner to the face of every board. Apply a light coat evenly and let it dry. After this application, you will not have to worry about “splotchy” or an uneven finish around the knots. Your installer should insist on that step if they understand pine.
Real wood flooring and job site acclimation
Acclimating a Southern Pine floor allows time for the wood to adjust itself, enabling the floor to a reach a stable, balanced state. In this state the wood neither absorbs nor expels moisture. The state is referred to as EMC or equilibrium moisture content. Simply put, EMC is the consistent and stable differential between wood floor and sub-floor, i.e., no hot spots. Wood floors should be stacked in each room which will be receiving the floors. Acclimation time, generally speaking is between 5-14 days which can be shorten with proper preparation.