Why is finding Heart Pine without knots so difficult and or expensive? Heart pine can be found in the middle of the tree, with a varying degree of heartwood moving out from the heart. Unlike the Oak, pine ‘branches’ begin right outside the heart of the tree, meaning unless you are right in the middle knots will exist. Heart Pine without knots is either very old or some type of select or prime grade, in the case of Caribbean Heart Pine.

New Heart and Caribbean Heart Pine without knots
Our Prime grade Caribbean Heart Pine cannot be sold “without knots”, simply because you might find a tiny pin knot in the wider boards. New Heart Pine ‘without’ knots is only available in 1 x 4 or 3 1/8 widths, we use the term vertical grain, and it will still have some pin knots. I have attempted to show examples of each one of our ‘heart pine without knots” options.
Antique Reclaimed Heart Pine without knots
Want heart pine without knots, and price is not an issue? Not a problem, forgive the play on words. Our company exist to get homeowners the best return on their (your) equity. And, it has been my experience that buying an unfinished board for $4.00 for example and adding age, it much (much) cheaper than purchasing it..the age if you missed it.

Call SYP Direct Now
If you are planning on building or remodeling now is the time to call us. Specials available on Caribbean Heart Pine, prime 5″ in 12′ nested bundles. Top of line quality and mill work, helping you create age rather than buying it. SYP Direct has been in business since 2014, we offer you the chance to buy direct from the best. The best New Heart Pine, Caribbean Heart Pine and yes, hardwoods. And, we do it all with our A+ BBB rating, since 2016.