“Knot” at SYP Direct
Does Knotty Pine have holes? Yes, most #2 Knotty Pine floors will have holes. In fact, one of the box stores tells you in the description fine print. How can you judge waste if the grade has holes? It is not 10% as it should be, it will be much higher. Now if you are talking about our #2 grade “Knotty” SYP? Absolutely not, our #2 is not a defected grade it simply does not have enough heartwood.
Southern Yellow #2 Knotty Pine differs from mill to mill depending on the end product. For example, we produce Heart Pine, therefore our #2 Southern Pine simply lacks the heart content. Distance from the middle of the tree, not defects, determine our #2 grade. Southern Yellow Pine Direct tells you truth about your options. Do not pay for age if you do not want to, but understand your options. #2 Alabama Longleaf pine is much different than #2 common Southern Pine.