Prime grade caribbean heart pine

Finishing Pine floors

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][title type=”h2″]Help Finishing Pine Floors[/title][vc_column_text]When we talk to homeowners about finishing pine floors there are a couple issues we must address with our customer. First of all, if it is the do-it-yourself homeowner, we have to ascertain their experience and their expectations. If it is a homeowner attempting to source their own materials using a contractor, we have to gauge whether or not the contractor has experience finishing pine floors. We do this by asking questions. We have learned over the years is there a couple of key things we can ask about with the answers determining whether or not the person actually has experience finishing pine floors.

Solid Real Wood

Finishing and installing southern pine, real solid wood, is much different than gluing down some laminate or engineered floors. From time to time, we must challenge some misconceptions that our homeowners have from either reading online or getting it directly from someone trying to sell them something other than real wood. We also run into those who have no idea that there are differences in the types of southern pine that not all southern yellow pine floors are the byproduct of some lumberyard.[/vc_column_text][title type=”h3″]Site finish, pre-finished and finish to order[/title][vc_column_text]Prefinished versus site finished is a decision about more than just “doing it yourself” or buying prefinished.

When choosing between prefinished and site finished floors, time and ease of installation needs to be weighed against the look of hand finished floors.  Pre-finished hardwood floors have had all the work done to them before they arrive in your home and are ready to be installed. In most cases this means sanded, stained, and finished with a UV aluminum oxide coating as a topcoat.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Finished to Order” style=”outline” shape=”square” color=”peacoc” align=”center” link=”|title:1%C3%978%20Mill%20Run%20Heart%20Pine”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][title type=”h4″]How to find local installation with real wood experience[/title][vc_column_text]How do you find a professional willing to install and finish real floors? Yes, within a budget helps define the question, so put affordable in front of professional. Wait, capable or experienced should be part of the equation, too. So now the question becomes, how to find a willing, experienced, affordable professional to finish your real wood floor? As you search, remember time is money and real floors take time, but they are an investment not a lease.

For information on Southern Yellow Pine Direct install and finish professionals, over 90 in 40 states, contact us today. [/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”15139″ img_size=”large” title=”#2 Rustic Southern Pine”][/vc_column][/vc_row]