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Prefinished Heart Pine- (July 20 2021) SYP Direct has 3600 square feet of 1 x 8 x 12′ New Heart Pine with our finish partner in North Carolina. We are simply waiting for the next customer to tell us how they want to finish their new Prefinished Heart Pine floor! We discuss some of your finish options below, but these are by no means all we offer. Along with Bona and Monocoat, SYP offers 12 standard colors. Choose weather to have ends matched or leave them straight, no bevel..no problem. Do not wait, first come first serve.
Southern Yellow Pine Direct offers small batch Prefinished Heart Pine- unique business model designed for homeowners. Inventory, of our own floors is rare, we finish to order. However, our production schedule means lead times are max 3 weeks unless choosing between all the options takes longer than expected.
What is the best pine finish?
Normally Prefinished Heart Pine indicates 3 1/4 or 5 1/8 widths, short lengths and rarely is the best pine finish used. Why? Money of course! Manufactures of prefinished pine use truckload scraps, or shorts to create the standard 1-7′ lengths, with average board around 18″ long. At SYP Direct we believe you deserve better, including the best pine finish on top of highest quality floors. We are going to take a look at three of our favorites, Bona, Monocoat, Minwax and Woca.
The Minwax story dates back to 1904. Founder Arthur Harrison developed a product designed to keep moisture out of buildings. It was not until 1940 that Minwax became a product for Do It Yourself homeowners. ” The product itself was redesigned and improved for homeowner use, and the wax in the finish was replaced by varnish gums, making the new Wood Finish™ the first modern “quick-drying” product.”
Minwax in our shop
At SYP Direct we have been a long time user of Minwax products. For example, attempting to match an old floor or replicate one a from customer photo, i.e. a magazine. Minwax is easy to work with, in fact, we use it all the time in our shop. Remember, be sure and precondition the sample before you apply any stain. This applies to any finish not just Minwax, furthermore pre-stain treatment prevents splotching. The pictures below, from our shop, some are rougher than others; remember we are usually just trying to match a floor.
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Bona High Traffic Natural
Bona High Traffic is the ideal finish for the pine in the most demanding environments. These include restaurants, hotel lobbies, airports and office reception areas. Professionals and builders love Bona for its durability, and as natural substitute for traditional oil and wax wood floor treatments. Bona offers both site finish products and industrial finishes which are applied using commercial UV process.
Bona industrial coatings are at the forefront of the new wave of floor treatments. High traffic protection is the combination of deep penetrating oils and UV top coats. Our 7″ Wide plank prefinished Heart Pine are in all 10′ and 12′ lengths. Let me repeat, 7″ wide Heart Pine with a Bona Finish in all 10’s and 12’s. Bayou Rustics is manufacturer of small batch finished Heart Pine Flooring.
Monocoat by Rubio
Monocoat is plant based finish that adheres at first contact with the microns of your wood floor. This molecular bonding becomes part of the floor like no other finish. Not only is a second coat not required, the finished wood will not accept one. Monocoat by Rubio is an all-natural plant-based oil finish for wood flooring. VOC-free and 100% non-toxic, Monocoat is easy to use and safe. All Rubio finishes are easy to maintain including repairs, which are a breeze. For more on our prefinished floors using Monocoat by Rubio contact us ASAP.
Woca Finishes
WOCA Industrial is a specially formulated stain designed for pre-treatment of UV- and oiled floors. The reactive stains from WOCA are a perfect way to antique a Heart Pine floor, for example. WOCA Color Oils, contains fine pigments in nine different colors, however, there are endless color options. For instance, most DIY can create custom colors simply by mixing the oils. Prefinished Heart Pine using WOCA Color Oils look amazing, again great for antiquing.
About our company
SYP Direct, or Southern Yellow Pine Direct sells newly cut, not reclaimed, heart pine and rustic longleaf pine flooring. Furthermore, SYP Direct simplifies the pine flooring market. In fact, we spend time with almost every customer discussing common misconceptions and misinformation. An easy way to understand the big picture; pine should be sold just like wine, age, species (grapes) and location define the final product, and therefore price. Solid wood floors, pine or hardwoods, constitutes and investment that will outlive your house, i.e. reclaimed one day.