Analyzing #2 Knotty Pine Prices
Our #2 Knotty Prices care listed below but before comparing please remember that not all Southern Pine is created equal. #2 Knotty Pine prices do not mean very much without context, right? First of all, and we talk about this extensively; age, climate, species and soil, these are what create Heart Pine and our #2 Knotty Pine. Age, of course being the primary variable, and the one that gives us those amazing colors. Our #2 Knotty Pine prices should be compared to the heart pine prices at some places, no doubt. Remember our Heart Pine has 50% heartwood minimum on every board, not 50% of the boards have some heartwood- big difference.

#2 Knotty pine prices should depend upon heart content
What #2 Knotty pine prices should not depend on is easy, marketing and when it comes to box stores, they are putting lipstick on pigs. That is an old Cajun phrase that simply means taking what is not pretty and adding external distractions in order to fool the other party. To be clear, we are not slamming box stores, just the pine they sell because it is way over priced because of the lipstick.
#2 Knotty Pine prices- these floors are of course;
Southern Yellow #2 Grade Southern Pine, Knots not holes, dual kiln dried, tongue and groove, relief grooves, precision mill work, barefoot ready. “You can take our least expensive floor and finish it to look better than any ‘select’ pine floor on the market”. (Jason Howard, I say it everyday).
May 23 2024 Pricing update
All prices are per square foot, the first price is Alabama #2 “Knotty” Heart Pine grade with up to 45% Heartwood, the second number is from one of the most respected dimensional lumber mills in the south. They produce amazing floors and siding, but they have volume restrictions. Lengths up to 16′. Call Jason for details or send me an email.
1 x 4 x 8, 10 or 12’ $3.25 sq ft $2.45
1 x 6 x 8, 10 or 12’ $2.95 sq ft $2.25
1 x 8 x 8, 10 or 12’ $2.95 sq ft $2.55
1 x 10 x 8 or 10’ $3.15 sq ft $2.60
More about our flooring grades
SYP Direct has been in business since 2014 and carried an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau since 2016. When we tell you that our Heart Pine has a minimum of 50% is not because that is the average but an outlier. Our Heart Pine floors will have the distinct Heartwood down the middle with some variance but without 50% heartwood, the board becomes our #2 Knotty Pine. This is not the case with lumber mills, their #2 grades are defects of some sorts because there is no heartwood in dimensional lumber.
Pinterest SYP Direct Also Google 30+ Reviews, Houzz 34 Reviews and so many pages on this site in the archives. Just Search and see what pops up. If you ever forget our name just search pine floors, Jason and there we are. I have been writing about same subject for 10 years, wife says I am very boring at dinner parties.