Truckload pricing based on heartwood.

#2 Knotty Pine

Is Knotty Pine a grade?

What is #2 Southern Yellow Pine aka Knotty pine? Simple, it is a generic term for pine with knots, not  a big surprise. What may surprise you, Knotty Pine is not a grade. #2 SYP is not a true grade and differs from mill to mill, i.e. floors or lumber. Lumber mills sort based on defects, knots included. But when a mill produces flooring, Heart Pine flooring, it is sorted based on the amount of visible heartwood, not defects. An astounding 95% of pine floors are produced by dimensional lumber mills using Loblolly or similar farmed species. Age creates not only gorgeous colors and character, it creates stability. When comparing your local #2 SYP with our floors, get samples and ask for local customers. Comparisons reveal the facts, one is plain and void of character, while the other defines character.”

NOT ALL KNOTTY PINE is created equal

Southern Yellow Knotty Pine Floors, aka #2 grade would seem to be a generic term describing a commodity, meaning similar value, plus characteristics. Not all Knotty Pine is created equal, and you will be shocked what your money buys with SYP Direct versus any other source, unless your family owns a mill. SYP Direct is your path to the best value and the best Southern Yellow Pine, Heart Pine and Caribbean Heart Pine…period.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Summer 2023 1/2 Glue Down Southern Pine

It is back- vanished when COVID arrived! The perfect glue down DIY floor, call us now 888 286 2057. Volume is required but we can match you with other orders- call now. [/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”8511″ img_size=”Large” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_rounded” title=”#2 with Milk Paint”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”New Heart Pine is not new” font_container=”tag:h5|text_align:left”][vc_column_text]The first thing to understand about our #2 grade Southern Yellow “Knotty” Pine floors, they are not a defected grade! Our specifications are as follows: kiln dried (dual process), tongue and groove with square edges and ends, planed smooth with relief grooves on back. Heart content including sapwood  (color variations) up to 45%, with some boards clear of either knots are color.  Knots are solid and most will be dime to quarter sized, but will be solid. [/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”7817″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_rounded” css=”” title=”Fumed Knotty Pine”][vc_column_text]

New Heart Pine

New Heart Pine is not new at all. The term new Heart Pine indicates that the floors are not reclaimed. New’ separates it from antique or reclaimed heart pine, however it is far from young.  95% of all the pine harvested in the United States is from farms, i.e. fast growing species, mother nature takes time.  Pine Like Wine

[/vc_column_text][vc_cta h2=”Get a quote to the job site” h4=”Samples available”]Find out why we have an A+ BBB rating and the best looking DIY pictures you can find.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Compare knotty pine to others heart pine

As you shop for Knotty Pine and or Heart Pine, we urge you to take the steps necessary to insure you are able to compare apples to apples, i.e not simply just price and grade.  What are the steps? As I am writing this,l June 2023, as of today we have delivered over 3 million square feet to customers in all 50 states, yes those too. So what? Well, every sq foot was part of a 3/4 solid pallet full of 8′,10′, 12′ or 14′ heavy boards so our A+ BBB rating is even more impressive.

Steps when talking to Southern Specialist about “Select Knotty” Pine

  1. Get local references, see how close they can get to your zip code.
  2. Ask for photos, if you like one- ask to email the customer about the finish.
  3. Get full description (fine print) before you consider their price.
  4. Call us and get the good apple.

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#2 Grade knotty pine is not about defects

Grades of dimensional lumber are standard, on the other hand, flooring grades more “fluid”. For example, Southern Yellow Knotty Pine is not a grade and a #2 depends on the #1, right? Forgive the attempt to confuse, but if you do not understand the product what difference does the price make? You deserve the best price, character, age, durability, stability and all the other positive characteristics of pine floors.  We help do that for homeowners in every single one of our 50 states.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][vc_media_grid grid_id=”vc_gid:1713294935099-21aadc96-6d81-5″ include=”8155,8737,8431,36432,7166,7183″]

1st step to an amazing floor
Please send us an email. If you need a call back, ask us and guess what? We actually call you back and handle your questions, one by one.
IN A HURRY- TEXT much faster 601 826 1296
Text us now 601 826 1296
Southern Yellow Pine Direct offer homeowners the reliability of an A+ rated BBB company; the best quality, pricing and service bar none. We operate under an "old school" philosophy that the customer is always right. We make sure you are just that by educating and dispelling myths about Southern Pine and Heart Pine flooring.
Remember we are a mill to order manufacturer of unfinished and prefinished Southern Pine, including our speciality Heart Pine. Our lead times are normally about two weeks, with Hardwoods and Imports the lead times vary and that is an understatement. 2 days -2 months has bee the answer since COVID. But things are imporving, as White Oak prices continue to fall. (Jason Howard 9/9/2022)